Southern Country Music Club
My Albums links from May 2013 to present
at the following venues
Lockleys Bowling Club, Lockleys
Clovelly Park Memorial Community Centre
Marion RSL & RSL Bowling Club (current temp venue)
2024 Shows
2023 Shows
2022 Shows
Please note – January and February shows were cancelled due to covid19 rules
from March onwards shows returned to normal format.
2021 Shows
Please note – January to March and from August to September shows were under a concert format with no dancing and covid19 rules
from April to July & October onwards shows returned to normal format.
2020 Shows
Please note – shows were cancelled after the March
because of the Covid 19 Pandemic virus
Shows resumed with the October show under a concert format with no dancing and covid19 rules
December show cancelled due to different Covid19 rules